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II श्री गणेशाय नमः II

II श्री चित्रगुप्ताय  नमः II

Chitragupta Pooja

Chitragupta  Puja  is  performed  by  the Kayastha community. Chitragupta Puja is held on the second day of the after Diwali. Chitragupta  Puja  is also  known  as  Dawat Puja (Inkpot).  Lord Chitragupta   therefore  is  always  illustrated   with  a  pen   and  inkpot.

On the day of Chitragupta Puja or Chitragupta Jayanti, the Kayasth people recognize the importance of good and bad in life.They lay special emphasis on justice, good knowledge, peace and literacy–the four qualities of Lord Chitragupta.The people on the day of Chitragupta Jayanti stop using pens and papers, and the next day worship the pen and paper.Lord Chitragupta is then worshipped by placing his idol. Sweets are offered to the idol and then to others. The bread winner of the family makes an account of his earnings and puts it forward in front of Lord Chitragupta. Each member prays to seek blessings from Lord Chitragupta.

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